Let’s even put legality aside for a moment. What this really reminds us is that some of our so-called culture, traditions and values that we keep trumpeting, have been abusive of children and other vulnerable groups over the decades. And if our traditional leaders did not and do not see anything wrong with these values, customs and traditions, then it says a lot more about the mindset, psyche, worldview and thought processes of our traditional leaders. It would seem to me then that we have given them too much respect and recognition than they really deserve. Should it take a law to tell an adult with brains in their head that you should not have a sexual relationship with a child? Whoever started the so-called tradition or custom must have been a pervert and the later generations that institutionalised and perpetuated this abuse of children to satisfy their own lust and libido are all perverts. That’s who they are, and are only hiding behind so-called customs, traditions and values to continue to perpetuate that perversion!
And I heard this morning a JoyFM report in which the Nungua Chief was saying the Wulomo needs a virgin as a customary wife and he had to take the 12-year old because he won’t otherwise find a virgin in Nungua! Who made it part of their culture and tradition that a Wulomo, who is not a virgin, requires a virgin as a customary wife? Isn’t it the same perversion instituted by men with pervert minds, men who probably were themselves marrying young girls just to satisfy their own libidos and sexual perversion?