…For Abusing Blacks In COVID-19 Pandemic – Nana Kwame Bediako
The President of the Freedom Movement, Nana Kwame Bediako is calling on the People’s Republic of China to have the decency to apologize to Africans who have been marginalized and abused in China during the Covid-19 pandemic.
According to him, the mis-treatment of black people in China must call for a public apology to all Africans and Black people worldwide.
Nana Kwame Bediako who led a silent procession at Black Star Square in Ghana as a sign of solidarity with the Africans who have been marginalized and abused in China during the Covid-19 pandemic on Sunday April 26, 2020 indicated that as a concerned global citizen, he was deeply disturbed by the treatment of black people in China when they were being evicted from their homes, forced into quarantine and even being denied admittance to restaurants, hotels and other businesses.
“I was also surprised that even despite the close relationship between China and most African countries, there hasn’t been any public denouncement or apology from the authorities,” he said.
Nana Kwame Bediako also averred that Covid-19 pandemic simply cannot be used as an excuse to dehumanize or deny the civil rights of black people in China or any other nation.
He stressed that although, African diplomats in China have expressed concerns to officials there, this mal-treatment is an issue for every black person in the world, adding that “Any one of us from the continent or the diaspora whether it be Jamaica, America, France, or Nigeria living in or travelling to China might suffer these same abuses. If we simply remain silent, this treatment and disrespect will continue and even become more widespread in China and other countries.”
Nana Kwame Bediako maintained that Black people are not animals as they have been depicted in museums and galleries in China and these actions are unacceptable considering the eminent value that Africa and their resources play in global economies and supply chains.
Ghana, he said, has gained a reputation as a model of democracy in Africa and Freedom of Speech is a fundamental principle that is supported in the country’s democracy; hence it is important for young Africans and young black people globally to understand the power of collective voices to effect peaceful change.
“I will continue to use my voice and platform to change perceptions of Africa, build unity and forge deeper connections between Africa, the West and the East,” said Freedom.
“I believe that this virus does not know gender, race, religion, age, or colour and this could be a sign telling the world that we are all equal and need to come together as One World and One Universal people to overcome the crisis and restore humanity together.”
The Freedom Movement’s procession is one of the first public demonstrations on the continent that has been held to bring awareness to the issue of the treatment of blacks in China and urge for a public apology from the country’s authorities on behalf of African and Black people worldwide.