Aggrieved farmers of Bibiani Hwenanpori in the Bibiani Municipality of the Western North Region are complaining about how the President of the National House of Chiefs (NHC), Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi, allegedly authorized Hwenapori Chief, OtengKrah to destroy their farmland and other properties.
According to the leader of the group, ObaapaninYaaOforiwaa they do not know the reason their Cocoa, Oil Palm, Cassava, Plantain, Cocoayam farmlands and other properties were destroyed by OtengKrah who used excavators to bulldoze the farms.
Speaking to the press, she said properties belonging to over 500 people have been destroyed and appealed to Government, IGP and other authorities to step into the matter and call him to order.
Some aggrieved farmers also shared their displeasure about the situation with the press.
The Committee Chairman for BibianiHwenampori Electoral Area, Stephen Mensah alleged that the President of the National House of Chiefs, Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi II was aware of what was going on in their community because the said OtengKrah claimed the NHC President gave him the authority to do so.
They are challenging Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi II to come out confirm or deny whether he gave that authority to Oteng Krah to destroy their properties.
They threatened to face both Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi II and OtengKrah squarely if they establish the truth behind all the happenings.