The Ahanta Traditional Council in the Western Region has given its full support and endorsement to the council’s newly appointed Acting President, Nana Akwanzi Abraba IV, privately known as, Eunice Jacqueline Buah Asumah – Hinneh, Chief Executive Officer of La Bianca and Western Regional Council of State Representative.
The endorsement comes in the wake of a temporary vacancy created by reason of the fact that the President is unable to perform his statutory duties and therefore the law requires that a member ought to be appointed to act until the president is able to resume his duties.
In view of this, the Ahanta Traditional Council met on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, to discuss important issues in the Ahanta Traditional Area, including the appointment of an Acting President.
Nanaom decided and appointed Nana Akwanzi Abraba IV as Acting President of the Ahanta Traditional Council at the meeting after thoughtful deliberations and several considerations.
Let it be known that the total membership of the traditional council stands at thirty-one (31) of which number, there are 10 vacancies bringing the current membership to twenty-one (21).
Present at the meeting were twenty (20) members which constitutes a majority.
We wish to unequivocally state that Nana Akwanzi Abraba IV, was duly nominated for which the said nomination was not contested making her the preferred choice.
It is therefore strange and disturbing to find in the Chronicle known privately as Hon. Mrs. Eunice Jacqueline Buah Asumah – Hinneh, CEO of La Bianca and Western Regional Council of State Representative for allegedly imposed herself on the traditional council and thus is not qualified to occupy.
In a press conference held in Takoradi, the traditional council condemned some individuals for disrespecting the traditional council’s choice, which was duly carried out by council members.
*Below is the full text: *
Nana Akyekese, the traditional observer’s spokesperson.
We are not just to set the records straight, to the effect that our Traditional Council is more than united, but this public meeting with you is also to show and exhibit our utmost support for our newly appointed Acting President and above all to explain to all Ahantas that we took so many factors into consideration before arriving at the decision.
Let it therefore be known to all and sundry that the Ahanta Traditional Council is not in disarray, as the Chronicle story implies, and to assure the newly appointed Acting President of the traditional council of our full support” Nana Akyekese added.
Let us be mindful of the fact that the Chronicle erred grievously when without official confirmation, it went ahead to publish that our Paramount Chief had joined his ancestors.
Please take notice that we have not told anyone that the Omanhene has gone to his village.
Nananom do observe, and we should state, that once a person ascends to a stool, his/her status changes. He is given stool name. From that moment, it would be an act of gross disrespect to him as well as his people to keep referring to him by his private name. Nananom therefore condemn in no uncertain terms the use of names such as Hon. Mrs. Eunice Jacqueline Buah Asumah–Hinneh, La Bianca owner, the woman, among others, to describe Nana Akwanzi Abroba IV of Princes Town by the said Chronicle reporter.
The traditional council would like to use this medium to urge everyone, particularly the press and diverse individuals, to be cautious in their criticisms of the traditional council and to respect the decision of the Nananom, who unanimously endorsed Nana Akwanzi Abraba IV, a duly gazetted chief and member of the traditional council, as its Acting President.
Nana Akye Kesse VI Divisional Chief of Cape three points.