Oliver Mawuse Barker-Vormawor, the man at the center of a ten million defamation suit brought on by the Minister for National Security, Kan Dapaah, is praying the court to dismiss the suit against him.
His reason is that the Minister has no capacity to institute or conduct civil matters in respect of the functions he performs for and on behalf of the State.
“I am advised by counsel, and verily believe the same to be true that the Plaintiff has no capacity to institute or conduct a civil matter in respect of the functions he performs for or on behalf of the State,” the former convener of #FixTheCountry movement stated.
He added that “finally, I am advised by counsel, and I verily believe the same to be true that this is a proper case where the Court ought to dismiss the Plaintiff’s suit.”
In an Affidavit in Support of Motion on Notice for an Order to Dismiss Suit, dated 29 November 2023, Defendant, who describes himself as a lawyer, stated that “the matters which forms the basis of the Plaintiff’s claims are matters which are exclusively innate to the Plaintiff’s performance of the functions of the State.”
Barker-Vormawor also contended “the words of which the Plaintiff alleges as defamatory to him are words which I published in respect of the State or its functionaries.”
“That I am advised by counsel, and I verily believe the same to be true that the Plaintiff- having at all material times been performing the functions of the State- would not be personally liable for any claims or proceedings which I may bring in respect of the matters forming the subject of this suit,” he added.
Oliver Barker-Vormawor was hauled to court for alleging that the National Security and other government officials met him in 2021 and offered him money to supposedly silence him.
Mr. Barker-Vormawor had claimed that he was offered an enticing amount of $1 million and other juicy positions in government in order to stop this activism, which was supposedly painting the government black.
Prodded further, the activist insisted that he had evidence to back his claim, but he is yet to make the files public.
Stay tuned