The Djaasetse of Asere Traditional Area who doubles as the Acting AsereMantse and the Custodian of Asere Stool lands, NiiAmarkai III has indicated that Alex Lovejoy Armah has no right to the sale or documentation of any parcel of land belonging to the Asere Stool.
Speaking to the media, NiiAmarkai III described as worrying, recent reports by some home and land owners within the race course area, a suburb of Accra.
According to him, his outfit has recently had numerous complaints of fake documents being issued out to innocent residents of the race course area, most of whom are owners of properties that comprises of houses as well as movable structures.
According to NiiAmarkai III the Power of Attorney which was executed by the Asere We on the 23rd day of July, 1990 by which they, as Principal members of Asere We constituted Alex Lovejoy Armah their Attorney for the purposes in the said Power set forth, “is hereby wholly revoked, cancelled and annulled effective June, 1991.”
Explaining further the AsereMantse revealed that the indenture and Land Title that gave the legal rights of ownership of the land was signed between NiiNortseAmartey, Head and lawful representative of Asere Family Lands and one LawerenceKwaku Agyapong of Accra.
This agreement according to NiiAmarkai III was made at the Supreme Court on the 3rd day of January, 2014.
The Traditional Leader reiterated that the Asere family lands include; Darkuman, Tabora, NiiOkaiman, Isreal, Sowutuom and its surrounding Areas. He further advised both owners and potential buyers of land within the Asere stool lands area to channel all such transactions to the appropriate office for proper and genuine documents.
NiiAmarkai II seized the opportunity to admonish his fellow Chiefs on the issue of double sale as well as forgeries of land documents.
He cautioned that, that constitute a criminal offence hence chiefs and Asafoastemeng should desist from any act that could find them culpable.
The Traditional Leader also mentioned that NorsteAmartey since 2005 and in accordance to a Supreme Court Judgement, has no right to issue any indenture whatsoever to any individual, group or organisation.
The divisional Chief of Asere hinted that some of the current Chiefs within the Ga State do not qualify to hold themselves up as Chiefs in their various jurisdictions as per Court Judgment that was passed against them.
He advised the government to conduct a background check on Chiefs within the Ga Traditional Council who currently sit to adjudicate on cases with regards to land title disputes and others.
This action, the AsereMantse affirmed, will ensure fare judgment to Land Litigations at all times.
NiiArmarkai III referred to a case between NortseAmartey and NiiAmarkai III held at the Supreme Court of which all twelve (12) judgments went in favour of the latter thus confirming the allodia ownership of the Asere Family Lands.