A fake COVID-19 test results provider, Soni Manoj, has been convicted to 300 penalty units, an equivalent of GHc3,600 fine by the district court in Accra for forgery after he was found guilty of conjuring COVID-19 tests for sojourners in Ghana.
Mr. Manoj had been arraigned on six counts of forgery and forgery related offenses before the court presided over by His Lordship Oheneba Kufour and found guilty.
The conviction also crowns public spirited effort by a medical laboratory called LeDing and its Financial Director, Abdul Razak Adam, who detected the fakery and called in the Police.
According to the brief facts of the case provided by Chief Inspector William Osei, Mr. Abdul Razak Adam, the Financial Director of LeDing is the complainant in the case, while Soni Manoj, a businessman, was the accused.
Sometime in MARCH 2021, Mr. Abadul Razak had reported to the Police that three foreigners who had come to the Kotoka International Airport for embarkation had had in their possession, fake COVID-19 test results.
When these foreigners were questioned, they mentioned Manoj as the source of the test results. Manoj was subsequently arrested and during interrogation he claimed in his cautioned statement that he was in his office when one Alex walked in and introduced himself as a marketing officer for a medical laboratory.
Alex, according to Manoj, claimed he could take samples from individuals and groups for COVID-19 tests and that based on that he also directed him to the residence of these foreigners to take samples for the tests.
Latter, he claimed, Alex brought the test results to him and he also forwarded it together with flight tickets to the them.
“However, accused could not lead police to the residence or office of suspect Alex. Accused person admitted the offence and was charged with the appropriate offences and arraigned before this honorable court,” Detective C/Inspr William Osei concluded in his presented case facts.
In “The Republic Vs Soni Manoj” the accused had been charged with three counts of altering forged documents contrary to Section 169 of the Criminal Offences Act 29 of 1960; and three counts of possession of forged documents contrary to section 166 of the criminal offences act 29 of 1960.