By Our Legal Desk
After many attempts to “search, locate and serve” Mawuse Oliver Barker-Vormawor, had proved futile, the Minister for National Security, Mr. Albert Kan Dapaah has resorted to the Courts to facilitate the service of the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim on the Defendant (Barker-Vormawor).
A “Motion Ex-Parte For An Order For Substitued Service” dated 18th. October, 2023 and sighted by The New Crusading GUIDE, the Counsel for the Minister, Bright Okyere-Adjekum, would be praying to the Court to effect an” Order for Substituted Service on the Defendant of the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim filed in this Suit”.
The Motion Ex-Parte also seeks “…such further or other Order(s) as this Honourable Court may deem fit”.
In an accompanying Affidavit in support, Mr. Kan Dapaah asserted that “It has not been possible to effect service personally on the Defendant with the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim and it has become impracticable to do so as I do not know the place of abode of the Defendant and attempts to effect service on him at his place of work as I know it also proved unsuccessful…”
” …Attached hereto is a copy of the Affidavit of Non-Service and a Search Result marked Exhibit “AKD 1” and “AKD 2″ respectfully”, added Mr. Dapaah.
He expressed the belief that “The Defendant can be reached by posting/leaving copies of the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim at the following places:
” (a) On the Notice Board of this Honourable Court to remain for a period of 14 days and (b) Per Single Publication in the Daily Graphic “.
The Motion Ex-Parte is expected to be moved in Court on Friday, 27th. October, 2023.
It would be recalled that on 26th. September, 2023, Mr. Kan Dapaah instructed his Counsel to issue a Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim against Oliver Barker-Vormawor for the following reliefs;
“a. A Declaration that the words uttered by the Defendant and paticularized below or words to that effect are defamatory of the Plaintiff.
They went as far as offering us US$1Million, they offered us a Committee Appointment, set up a Committee and appoint us to Government positions in order to stop this activism. This was made directly to me and other leaders of Fix the Country Movement…This conversation we had with the Minister of National Security, the Minister of Finance and a Brigadier General at a safe home.
- Recovery of the sum of Ten Million Ghana Cedis (GHC 10, 000,000) as General Damages including Aggravated and/or Exemplary Damages for Defamation for the words uttered by Defendant.
- An apology for and retraction of the words complained of supra.
- Perpetual injunction restraining the Defendant from repeating similar or other defamatory words against the Plaintiff.
- Costs”.
Stay tuned for further developments.