The Airport District Police Headquarters is investigating a case of trespassing on some landed property situated at Spintex Roar near TB Joshua Church, which currently has multiple Land Registration Certificates covering it, and in different names as owners.
The land which is originally covered by Land Certificate No. GA 2811 issued on August 7, 1992 and re-issued on October 15, 2014 was done in favour of Nimo Kofi Amum family of Tesa.
The Numo Kofi Amum family subsequently made several grants of portions of the said land to various individuals including one Samuel Edmund.
Samuel Edmund, according to a letter written to the Executive Secretary of Lands Commission from the Airport Police Headquarters, has appropriately registered his portion with the Lands Registration Division of the Lands Commission where he acquired Land Certificate No. GA 54082 covering 19.78 acres of land.
The police investigation was necessitated by the constant and undue encroachments on the land which was granted by the family to Samuel Edmund.
Meanwhile, searches conducted by Samuel Edmund at the Registry of Lands at the Lands Registration of the Lands Commission on September 12, 2018 revealed that Land Certificate No. GA 56155 of 8.43 acres has been issued in favour of Joemat Real Estates Development Limited; which conflicts the Certificate No. GA 2811 issued on August 7, 1992 and October 15, 2014 for Numo Kofi Amum family.
It has also been established from a search conducted on September 12, 2018 that Certificates No. 56155 and GA 54109 have been issued in favour of Joemat Real Estates Development Limited and Klenams Construction, also conflicting information Certificate No. GA 2811.
On September 14, 2018 another search was conducted and it emerged that Certificate No. GA 54082 was issued for 19.78 areas of land which was issued in the joint name of Samuel Edmund, the grantee of Numo Kofi Amum family and Joemat Real Estates Development Limited.
The police which is investigating the matter to determine who is the rightful owner of the land in issue, is pursuing the Lands Commission for answers on how come the multiple registration of same parcel of land.
According to the letter from the police, even though the Lands Registration Division of the Lands Commission issues certificate No. GA 2811 on October 15, 2014 in favour of Numo Kofi Amum family, the same Division also issued Land Certificate No. GA 50764 and GA 56341 affecting portions of the family’s GA 2811 land to Falcon Crest Investment limited and Samuel Kofi Diame in 2016 and 2018 respectively.
The police in assessing the documents available to it indicated that neither Numo Kofi Amum family nor Samuel Edmund conveyed any part of their land to Joemat Real Estates Development Limited, Klenams Construction and Falcon Crest Investment limited.
The police is therefore demanding from the Lands Commission to produce all relevant documents of the eighty owner/owners or the land in question.