It has come to the attention of the Osu Stool Council that the Osu
Osiahene has been ‘pronounced’ dismissed INDEFINATELY by the so-called Osu Stool; represented by Nuumo Noi Osekan III Klottey Wulomo, Nii Saban Atsen VIII Osu Kinkawe Dzaasetse and Nii Nortey Otututse II, Ashante Dzaasetse. The letter of dismissal was posted on GhanaWeb.
These pretenders have now crossed a red line. They must bear the consequences of their action.
Who are these traditional office holders purporting to speak in the name of Osu Stool:
Nuumo Noi Osekan III was used by Nii Kinka Dowuona VI as Klottey Wulomo; although there was in place a sitting Klottey Wulomo. The recognised Osu Nadu Klottey Wulomo, Wor Lumor Nuumo Noi Osekan Kpeneku II, refused to work with Kinka Dowuona VI. Nuumo Kpeneku is the recognised Osu Klottey Wolomo, with accreditation from Osu Wem and the Gbobu Shrine, Nungua. He is also the Wulomo with membership on the Osu Ashante Blohun Dzaase and its meetings.
Nii Saban Atsen VIII Dzaasetse, Osu Kinkawe Nii Saban Atsen knows very well that his position as Dzaasetse is not one of primus inter pares. Each of the four Dzaase members has been independently nominated, elected and installed as such by the respective dzaase house.The Dzaase (king makers) is a collective body and they work by concensus. Hence Adjuwate installs Osiahene to the Dzaase; Dowuona Saban Atsen also installs Dzaasetse; Teinor We, Seitse and Odartey Sro enstools Atofotse for the Dzaase. Nii Saban Atsen is aware of this arrangement and knows he has no power and no authority whatsoever, to enstool or dismiss any member of the Dzaase as constituted.
He must tread carefully, because there are records which show that two Owuo We Mantsemei have used representatives of Odartey Sro as Dzaasetsemei and that can happen again.
Nii Nortey Otututse II Ashantse Dzaasetse When Otututse claims he was enstooled Dzasetse at Osu Ashantse Blohun, the then sitting Dzasetse, Nii Nortey Omatuo VI had been in office for over ten years. Nii Nortey Omatuo VI passed away three years ago, the Ashante Blohun Dzaase (the only traditional body with authority to enstool and destool traditional office holders in Osu Ashante Blohun) has installed a new and recognised Ashante Dzaasetse, Nii Nortey Omatuo VII.
It is the Ashante Blohun Dzaase which installs Dzaasetsemei at Nii We, Ashante Blohun. Otututse cannot say that he has been properly enstooled by the rightful traditional authority, which is the Osu Ashantse Dzaase. In any case, a recent search conducted showed that his gazette notification is questionable as the G/A Regional House of Chiefs, has no records on him.
Osu Stool
By definition, the Osu Stool is not only the Black Stool, it is the sum total of the Mantse, the Heads of Divisions, Senior traditional office holders, sub-Divisional chiefs, Elders and the good people of Osu, who; working together, backed by the spirit of the Black Stool; is the proper definition of Osu Stool. Osu Stool is not represented by persons loyal to a deceased chief of Osu.
Now, after the death of Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuona VI in February 2021, we who are living could have settled Osu chieftaincy affairs with decorum, through a unity pact which was being drawn up, covering most of the contested issues; in particular, the Owuo We affair. But this was not to be. The reason is simple. The sale of Osu Stool properties – Ghana
Commercial Bank Club House and Graphic Corporation Guest House, are only two examples – and the high expectation of good life which further sales might bring to a small circle of people, made it impossible for execution of the unity pact by all. And this is what has brought us where we are now.
Nii Saban Atsen and others have sued at the G/A Regional House of Chiefs. The hearings are on-going. Why not raise all concerns with the Judicial Committee at Dodowa for resolution. You are so angry with the Osu Osiahene for refusing to join your small circle and purport to have dismissed him indefinately; when you know very well that you have no such authority.
Go to Dodowa, if you have legitimate issues and raise them with the
Judicial Committee of the Regional House and stop fighting the Osu chieftaincy matters on social media.
God bless Osu.
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