The Supreme leader of Tijaniya Ghana and President of Tijaniya Muslim Council of Ghana (TMCG), Sheikh Khalifa Ahmad AbulFaidiAbdulaiMaikanoJallo, has parried as complete falsehood stories being bandied about that his courtesy call on the Attorney General on Tuesday 20th April, this year,set a time-bomb for Ghanaian Muslims.
Read the full unedited statement below:
Re: AG Yeboah Dame Sets Time Bomb For Ghanaian Muslims
The attention of the Supreme leader of Tijaniya Ghana and President of Tijaniya Muslim Council of Ghana (TMCG), Sheikh Khalifa Ahmad AbulFaidiAbdulaiMaikanoJallo, has been drawn to a mischievous twist given to a courtesy call he paid on the Attorney and Minister for Justice, Godfred Dame, on Tuesday 20th April, 2021.
Sheikh Khalifa Ahmad AbulFaidiAbdulaiMaikanoJallo led a delegation to congratulate the Minister for his new position and wished him well in his new portfolio.
For the records, nowhere in the meeting was aspirations, request, demand or assurance of the chief Imamship position came to bear.
Much as the Supreme leader advocates for the structuring of the successor to the Office of the Chief Imam, and mindful of the sensitive nature the tissue has become, he could not have discussed it with Attorney General during the courtesy call.
Khalifa is therefore entreating all well-meaning Muslims to treat the story being bandied about with the contempt it deserves.
AbubakariAwudu Baba Yara
(Personal Aide to Khalifa)